On the water of the café, it was one of the most popular places to go for 3 years, and from 2017 on this site is the SPLAV THEATER ON WATER, which was created by renovating the water bars and transforming into a real club raft. You can see the water theater by clicking here.
This popular raft of cafes is found in a number of popular rafts such as the abortion River, Freestyler raft, raft union and others. She is known for her work during the summer and winter season.
This quay, which has been known for years as the epicenter of club nightlife in Belgrade during the summer of 2014, has become richer for raft with café atmosphere, music and prices. A water tavern is a novelty on this quay, a novel that will certainly contribute to its even greater popularity.
At the water bar, it has become one of the most sought after places for night outings in Belgrade, and you can certainly reserve your place through our call center and experience what this water beverage has to offer.
ZIM-ovi automobili se isporučuju u više od 160 hotela i apartmana u Beogradu, gde gosti mogu preuzeti ili vratiti automobil u bilo koje dogovoreno vreme, 7 dana u nedelji.