The Railway Museum in Belgrade was founded on February 1, 1950, in the former Ministry of Railways of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. The first permanent exhibition was opened on April 30, 1953, titled "Through the History of Yugoslav Railways".
In addition to the permanent exhibition, the Museum has: exhibition gallery, library and archive.
Museum work is done through:
- museum-conservation department - archive-documentary department - library department
By the work of these services to date, the Museum boasts a large number of very rare exhibits, books and a large archive material archive. The museum has interesting models, models, objects, objects, miniatures.
The Railway Museum owns over 40,000 objects grouped into four basic collections:
- technical collection - a historical collection - art collection - collection of applied arts
Collections are mostly in permanent exhibition and in museum depots, except for one part of the Technical Collection, located in the Department of narrow streets Pozega, Loznica and Strugaari in Belgrade, next to the depot of the Blue Train in Topcider (Belgrade), as well as at the railway stations in Belgrade , Nis, Lapovo, Prokuplje, Pančevo, Vršac, Kikinda, Sombor and Subotica.
ZIM-ovi automobili se isporučuju u više od 160 hotela i apartmana u Beogradu, gde gosti mogu preuzeti ili vratiti automobil u bilo koje dogovoreno vreme, 7 dana u nedelji.