The Museum of the Yugoslav Cinematheque in Belgrade, founded in 1952, is a specialized movie theater featuring classic performances of domestic and foreign films.
The Film Fund of the Yugoslav Cinematheque is one of the most important and richest film collections in Europe. It contains over 85,000 copies of films, mute, sound, black and white and in color. These are the most important archival materials and documentary films related to the territory of the former Yugoslavia, starting with the oldest preserved film with us "Crowning King Peter I" from 1904. The Foreign Films Collection, which accounts for 80% of the Yugoslav Film Archive, contains all the most valuable works from the history of the world film.
The most valuable exhibits of this museum are the Magical Lights (1890), the Limier (1896), the head of Edison's kinetoscope (1893), the first studio film camera Pate Frer (1903), the forerunner of the gramophone - polyphonic (1860), the Edison phonograph 1908) and a whole host of cameras, projectors and audio devices.