The Museum of the Banja Luka Camp is dedicated to the memories of the detainees and victims of the Nazi concentration camp from the Second World War. The first setting, in a limited space, was opened in 1969. The new concept was realized in 1983 on approximately 450 m2, and due to the new research results in 2001, the modified Museum of Banjički Camp Museum was changed. Documentary material, posters and photographs, along with a large campus of the camp complex, make up a frame in which the saved personal items, original drawings, sketches and handwritten work of the inmates fit in. 400 exhibits were presented to visitors. In particular, the memorial room in which the ambience of the camproom is reconstructed is distinguished.
The camp at Banjica was founded on July 5, 1941, in the building of the 18th century. infantry regiment of the Army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, while the first detainees were brought on July 9th. Through this concentration camp, 24,000 inmates, mostly Serbs, and members of other peoples passed through. To date, 4,200 gunmen have been reliably identified. Thousands of detainees who have been deported from all over Europe must be added to that list. The camp was disbanded 4/5. October 1944.
ZIM-ovi automobili se isporučuju u više od 160 hotela i apartmana u Beogradu, gde gosti mogu preuzeti ili vratiti automobil u bilo koje dogovoreno vreme, 7 dana u nedelji.