Since its founding, the Museum of Nikola Tesla has been conceived as a complex institution with a cultural, educational, scientific and memorial character. This setting largely determined his original vision and mission. As a cultural institution, the Museum deals with the protection and presentation of Tesla's legacy.
Scientifically, research is carried out, original Tesla's papers are published, employees and associates of the Museum participate in scientific meetings on which the research results are presented. The Museum also holds the remains of Nikola Tesla, which makes it one of the rare memorial and technical museums in the world.
The general connection of modern society and the exceptional interest of people all over the world, especially young people, for Tesla's personality and work, today give a special imprint to the initially imagined social role of the Museum. It can be freely stated that the modern vision and mission of the Museum are defined together by employees and interested audiences in Serbia and the world.
ZIM-ovi automobili se isporučuju u više od 160 hotela i apartmana u Beogradu, gde gosti mogu preuzeti ili vratiti automobil u bilo koje dogovoreno vreme, 7 dana u nedelji.